Monday, October 11, 2010

Kandahar carnage signifies United States of America should leave sooner, not later

Kandahar had been within the headlines again for all the wrong reasons Tuesday. Insurgents are assaulting civilians to turn the population against the U.S.-backed govt. Attacks Tuesday killed 12 Afghan citizens and wounded one more 26. Kandahar, a major populace center in southern Afghanistan, was in such deadly disarray the deputy mayor had been killed in a mosque as he prayed. In the ordeal that is Afghanistan, the tragedy in Kandahar raises a vital question. U.S. leaders should ask what level of carnage is acceptable in a battle to give the Afghans their so-called “freedom”.

Afghanistan happens like before

It has been nine years of trudging along in Afghanistan although absolutely nothing has changed. The “surge” of 30,000 more troops sent to help last summer clearly hasn’t made a difference. The United States of America pressured many other countries to support the war by fighting with us. Now, numerous nations are having lives lost for what seems like nothing. While the United States and its allies have been stuck in the Afghan muck, al Qaeda, the terrorists who lured us there in the first place, have packed up and left. Now, we’re blowing blood and treasure fighting the people we claim we’re liberating. We’re seeing the Vietnam War yet again despite the fact that it has been 35 years..

The meaning of insanity

The Taliban is not about to leave Afghanistan which is its country. They’re fighting for their homeland and have given themselves no choice however to stand their ground. They have nowhere else to go. U.S. soldiers, Marines and airmen can anticipate going home and hope it won’t be in a body bag. Despite overwhelming weapons and technology, the United States of America military will never defeat the Taliban because being Afghan guerrillas, they will never stand toe to toe and fight their enemy on its own terms. Civilians are going to keep dying as the United States of America supports the corrupt Afghan regime and also the Taliban will proceed to avoid the battle. This can be a war that’s already happened before.

Just announce triumph already

Many more individuals are going to die when the U.S. waits until July 2011 to withdraw. At least there is a plan to withdraw though. Of course the U.S. will nevertheless proceed to support Amend Karzai’s corrupt Afghan regime. Then there’s the Taliban that will still be hiding within the hills. By then, there could be numerous more Afghan civilians and American, Briton, German, Dutch, NATO and Canadian soldiers killed. The Obama administration is hoping, no doubt, that it can declare victory in time for the 2012 presidential election. Nothing will be changed by declaring success. We need to conserve more lives. Why not just get out now to do that?

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