Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rethinking Those Expensive Vitamin Supplements

Supplements inhibit the beneficial effects of exercise

thinking-about-pillsIf you exercise for fitness and take vitamin supplements, you might want to save cash now by rethinking the second part of that health regimen. Vitamin supplements are expensive, and a new study suggests that taking them inhibits certain beneficial bodily changes that result from strenuous exercise. If you've been needing cash advances between paychecks to finance a health and fitness routine, cutting out the supplements can get you that much closer to breaking free of a vicious payday loan cycle.

Supplements suppress the body’s natural defenses

When you exercise, your muscle cells burn sugar which releases reactive oxygen compounds –oxidants—that cause cell damage. The body reacts to the oxidants by strengthening its defenses against cellular damage and becoming more metabolically efficient.

Researchers in Boston and Germany found that when young male subjects who exercised took moderate amounts of vitamins C and E, the vitamins shut down their bodies' natural defenses against cellular damage. As a result the subjects missed out on a key health benefit of exercise.

Supplements prevent improved insulin sensitivity

Another benefit of exercise is that it improves the body's sensitivity to insulin. "Get more exercise" is often among the first recommendations given by doctors to diabetics and people at risk of diabetes. The researchers also measured sensitivity to insulin and found that exercise did not improve the sensitivity of the subjects who took vitamins. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Rethinking Those Expensive Vitamin Supplements"

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