Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kevin Trudeau's Books Deemed Fraud | Save Your Money

Kevin Trudeau’s ups and downs

kevintrudeauYou may have seen an infomercial for any number of Kevin Trudeau products. He has hawked several books, including “Natural Cures ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Know About.”

Kevin Trudeau’s books have made it onto the best-sellers list as consumers seeking help hit up payday lenders so they could buy the books as soon as possible. Unfortunately for Kevin Trudeau, a couple of his books have also been labeled fraud by consumer agencies, and he has been fined tens of millions of  dollars for violating an agreement to refrain from being in any way involved with more infomercials.

Kevin Trudeau history

Let’s take a look at the beginning of Kevin Trudeau’s career. In 1991 Kevin Trudeau was convicted of credit card fraud. Christopher Pascale of reports that after Kevin Trudeau completed his sentence, he and his former cell mate “started an illegal pyramid scheme based around the concept of multi-level marketing, selling vitamins.”

This began Kevin Trudeau’s stint in selling “health care” products.

The many products of Kevin Trudeau

In thousands of hours of infomercials, Kevin Trudeau sold products to cure hair loss and to cure addiction. He advertised books on improving your memory and released best-selling “The Weight Loss  Cure ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Know About.’ That’s when Trudeau’s Troubles Part II began. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Kevin Trudeau's Books Deemed Fraud | Save Your Money"

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