Monday, November 22, 2010

Murkowski takes lead in AK vote count up and blasts Palin

The AK vote count up has been hotly contested and patiently viewed. It became clear that Murkowski had taken the lead. Miller is attempting to get some of the votes voided through a lawsuit in federal court. Murkowski also slammed Palin in a recent interview.

Murkowski within the head with Alaska vote count at the moment

Miller is now behind Lisa Murkowski within the Alaska Senate election. This has been an AK vote count up that has been debated a ton. A write-in campaign is something Murkowski decided, and former governor Palin didn't like the idea of, to do. She lost the Alaska Republican primary to Joe Miller which sprung this though. Miller is a Tea Party Republican, and was heavily backed by Palin. Palin's endorsement might mean nothing. Miller is now a bit concerned. Currently, Murkowski has a lead of 92,164 to 90,458 for Miller, based on the Anchorage Daily News. There are still over 8,000 ballots that remain to be counted, however so far 97 percent of write-in ballots have gone to Murkowski. Joe Miller has challenged seven,601 of the write in votes, but the court ha! s yet to grant the challenge. Murkowski's campaign maintains the law allows for interpreting voter intent.

Murkowski slaps Sarah Palin within the face

Murkowski and Palin have a past that is quite bitter. Palin has already within the press slapped Murkowski in the face a few times. Columbia Broadcasting System accounts that Katie Couric interviewed Murkowski where she said that the "leadership skills" are something Palin does not have while she "lacks intellectual curiosity" like a President needs. While praising her skills at rallying public support, she also brought up that while Palin was serving her half term as governor, she didn’t seem terribly engaged in the office and left as soon as she could.

Final vote count almost there

The last ballots are being reviewed and gathered which means the final Alaska vote count up can be here shortly. The lawsuit by Miller might end up just getting thrown out if it doesn't progress fast enough as it’s nevertheless pending. Murkowski gaining would mean she would be making history. In 50 years, there hasn't been a write-in candidate that has won.

Information from

anchorage Daily News


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