Monday, November 15, 2010

Conquered Dem Alan Grayson lashes out at his personal party

Alan Grayson attempted to adopt Republican tactics to a Democratic congressional campaign without success. He became recognized outside his Florida region via his inflammatory attacks. His aim seemed to be countering right wing extremism by becoming a left wing extremist. Grayson was drubbed after running what some called a dirty campaign and held responsible the Republican landslide on Democratic “appeasement”.

Alan Grayson pulls no punches

In 2008 when Grayson ran for congress, he left behind a fruitful law practice. From the beginning of his term as a Democratic congressman he threw rhetorical bombs at the opposition. The saying, "Don't get sick and if you do get sick, die easily," is the Republican alternatives to the health care bill. "K street whore" and "Bozo the Spokesman" are a few of terms Grayson has been caught using when refereeing to those who hold different views of his own.

“Taliban Dan” a gift to Grayson’s opponent

Grayson finally meet his match after this term. "Taliban Dan" was the term he tried giving his opponent, FL legislature for 28-years, Daniel Webster. Apparently the ad worked better for Webster than Grayson. Grayson was defeated at the polls by a 17 percent margin.

Grayson puts his foot in his mouth

Grayson is a sore loser. He continued to slam people after losing a week later. He was contradicting the explanation for the Democrats set back in the house. Most people felt like the Dems did too much, but according to Grayson they didn't do enough. He called the strategy of trying to reach bipartisan consensus “appeasement,” a term for making concessions that has come to represent weak and cowardly politics.

Info from


Miami Herald

Democracy Now

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