Saturday, October 16, 2010

Legal ban of using cell phones when driving urged by Transport Secretary

Distracted driving, or use of a phone while behind the wheel, is a hot topic. Some sort of restriction is already in place in most states. There are already projects in the works by the Department of Transportation, and Secretary Roy LaHood, who has put a high priority on it. He has implied that he would like a total ban on phone use of any sort while behind the wheel. The impact of hands free technology usage while driving is being investigated by the DOT.

LaHood wants some actual facts

Secretary of Transportation, Roy LaHood, will meet with car manufacturer heads. He has asked, reports Automotive News, for some help from the car industry. He wants distracted driving to be discouraged more. There have already been numerous public campaigns for an end to driving while using a phone. A public campaign to show drivers the hazards of it was already done by the Department of Transportation. Even Oprah has complained about those who text while they drive. He said that a phone is a complete distraction if it getting used while within the car.

Congress has to sit and hope something happens

The state and local government control all the traffic laws. States have to make the ban individually if a ban is ever to happen. Now, hands free technology is what is being looked at. The DOT is looking into seeing what impact it has. Blue Tooth technology is already installed in car audio systems, but the idea is to find out if that is too much of a distraction in itself. The DOT estimates that 16 percent of all road fatalities were caused by distracted drivers.

Most states put a ban up already

So far, 30 states have already put restrictions against cellular phone use in place. A nationwide ban is a goal that LaHood seems focused on. It is a hefty goal. He is already sternly opposed to car makers using social networking software, like the Facebook feature being put forth by OnStar.


Auto News

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