Monday, August 10, 2009

The New Pizza is Frugal Pie

Pizza presents possibilities

I was watching “Food Network Challenge” the other day, and it was a pizza-making competition. Of course,  I was glued to the set. What is better than pizza? It was very unfortunate for me that I didn’t have any pizza to eat while watching it, but luckily I survived. Barely.

One of the contestants made an interesting comment, which was that anything edible can be a  pizza topping. Of course, I was very skeptical about this, but then the guy didn’t say it would be good, he just said you could do it.

Forgotten foods

Everyone knows that the best way to save money on groceries is to keep from wasting anything. Even if you get the cheapest personal loan and use it for groceries, you’re wasting your money if you’ve still got food that you haven’t eaten.

Sometimes food items get left in the cupboard simply because no one wants to eat them. Sometimes vegetables and fruits go bad before they are eaten. So, if this Food Network contestant was right, and any food can be a pizza topping, could pizza be the answer to making the most of your groceries?

Back to the basics

So, you do need three things in order to make pizza: dough, cheese and sauce. There are several different types of sauce that work, including all different types of spaghetti sauce and other things you wouldn’t expect. I have had pizza that just used ranch dressing for the sauce and it was delicious.

Pizza dough is pretty easy to make, but if you have leftover bread products like sandwich rolls, bagels or English muffins you could potentially make individual pizzas and use those up as well.

I have actually heard people argue that you can make pizza without cheese. I think that is just ridiculous. If it isn’t covered in cheese it isn’t pizza. End of story. Now that we’ve got that straight, let’s talk toppings. … click here to read the rest of the article titled “The New Pizza is Frugal Pie

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