Thursday, June 18, 2009

Will National Sushi Day Make a Mint for Restaurants?

When is National Sushi Day?

sushiToday is National Sushi Day! Or is it? When I first heard that today is National Sushi day, I had the same thought as Jeff Schmitt from

It seems to be yet another in a series of made-up internet holidays that are circulated to and fro, searched for on a specific day (today), hopefully capitalized upon by us.

I assumed, and still do, that the inventors of National Sushi Day were either sushi-loving connoisseurs or, more likely, sushi peddlers seeking a way to make a few extra bucks. Can’t blame them for trying, right?

National Sushi Day, show yourself!

But I figured I’d give National Sushi Day a chance to prove itself a legitimate holiday. I used a couple of time-tested internet techniques to uncover the mystery of the origin of National Sushi Day. I mean, if I can use the internet to get payday advances, I should be able to find out how long a holiday has been around, right?

What I uncovered might shock and astound you: Today might not be National Sushi Day at all! It might be on a different day.

The Wikipedia search

Everyone know that Wikipedia is a malleable database that contains some debatable information. Everyone also knows that everyone who’s anyone and anything that’s anything is in there. A search for National Sushi Day on Wikipedia came up with zilch, nada, nothing.

Well, of course, we all know that’s not true. A Wikipedia search for National Sushi Day came up with a lengthy list of results, including: National Cherry Blossom Festival, Sweden, Mark Dugdale and Mexican Cuisine.

The Google search

If you search for something on Google and don’t find it, you know it doesn’t exist. Luckily for National Sushi Day, I came across a little something called the National Sushi Society. The site for this very official-sounding organization says Sushi Day was started in 1997. It also says it’s on Nov. 1! ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Will National Sushi Day Make a Mint for Restaurants?"

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