Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obscenity Appears on Yearbook Cover | Student's Parents Pay

More news on Shaker Heights Ohio yearbook

Personal Money Store Payday Loan BannerI wrote yesterday about the obscenity that appears on the yearbook cover for Shaker Heights High School. Check out yesterday’s article and photo. Luckily, though the school in Shaker Heights, Ohio, is a public school, no taxpayer money was used to correct the mistake.

Today, I read on an NBC news affiliate that the student’s parents had to pay the yearbook company to print stickers to cover the hidden message. The same article reports that the student who is responsible for the obscenity that appears on the yearbook cover had to place the stickers as punishment. Some punishment. The penalties for defaulting on a paydayloan are worse than that.

Conflicting news

At this point, I am hesitant to present anything as “fact,” because reports about the Shaker Heights Ohio yearbook are mixed. NBC says the responsible student was a girl, and the yearbook editor. CNN says “he got a round of applause” at graduation, indicating the student was a boy.

Yesterday, reports said that the “cosmetic surgery” the yearbooks underwent just involved altering the image with pen strokes. I read several reports about the obscenity appearing on the yearbook cover, and none of them mentioned stickers. But I digress. I am supposed to be writing about money, right?

When obscenity appears on yearbook cover

So, luckily, regardless of whether the message was covered with sticker or pen strokes, it sounds like it was a cheap fix. Well, it was cheap for everyone except perhaps the student’s parents. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Obscenity Appears on Yearbook Cover | Student's Parents Pay"

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