Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chrysler Bankruptcy Sets Stage for Court War

Down goes Chrysler

America’s big automakers have all been in serious need of cash advance loans and debt relief for some time now. Overproduction of consumer vehicles that burn through gasoline and take up too much room on the country’s current highway system has been the byproduct of poor planning by top automobile executives. Now the time has come for them to reap what they have sown.

Unfortunately, this means that many honest, hard-working employees are losing their jobs, thanks to the economic corpulence of those who may never have known what it truly means to struggle to survive. This time, there’s no bailout: Chrysler has bankruptcy on their minds. Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Average taxpayers may get nothing

Following the trail of Chrysler news, Michael de la Merced blogs for the New York Times that the restructuring battle has changed locales, from board rooms to bankruptcy court. Chrysler and the Obama administration did not obtain the consent they needed from secured lenders, so Chrysler is bankrupt. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Chrysler Bankruptcy Sets Stage for Court War"

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