Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Countess Divorce | We Lose Our Minds (Pt. 2)

Battle notes from the Hartford Courant

This concludes my look at the countess divorce of Marie Douglas-David and George David… at least for today on this payday loan blog you know and love. CLICK HERE if you missed my tiff with “sheri.”

Rick Green blogs for the Hartford Courant that the “Grossest Divorce of the Greatest Depression” marches on. I’m sure sheri will call him a sexist jerk for it, too, but Green is “starting to fall for the $300 million man” George David, who is “under siege from Marie Douglas-David.”

As can be expected, Douglas-David’s lawyer is attempting to prove that David’s behavior nullifies the 2005 post-nuptial agreement that grants the Swedish countess around $38 million.

She wants $100 million

Want to know how Douglas-David’s lawyer is attempting to spin the story that David “abandoned” the post-nup?

According to Green, David “forked out $600,000 over the last year, paying Douglas-David’s bills even after they were headed to divorce court. He allowed her to stay at their Park Avenue home. They went out to the ’simple beach house’ together at Sagaponack.” All the while, the couple made champagne toasts on a yacht, summered in a $425,000 rental in the Hamptons and skipped over to the Isle of Capri. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Countess Divorce | We Lose Our Minds (Pt. 2)"

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