Over a span of twenty three days, Whataburger is offering coupons for free food. Each other day, Whataburger will send a coupon to your e-mail. This is a “twelve Day of Whataburger” promotion. The Whataburger deals are likely to be good for 1 item and can be redeemed for that one day that it is issued. Article source – Free Whataburger during 12 days of Whataburger by Money Blog Newz.
twelve days of Whataburger coupons
In 2007, the twelve days of Whataburger coupons became the center of a controversy. Whataburger coupons in PDF form were e-mailed out in a single sheet as an unauthorized release. The twelve days of Whataburger marketing was stopped by Whataburger in 2009. There could be a re-releasing the marketing for 2010 by the company. Users registered for the 2010 twelve days of Whataburger will obtain a new coupon each other day via e-mail. A totally free Whataburger item could be redeemed that day when getting the coupon.
Areas of Whataburger
In Corpus Christi, Texas, in 1950, the Whataburger burger restaurant began. There are 700 Whataburger areas in 10 states. Whataburger remains one of the few chain hamburger restaurants that is not owned by a large corporation and has a family attitude similar to sandwich chain Jimmy John’s. Rumors that Whataburger may be heading to expanding into more states than the 10 it’s in right now have been flying. Whataburger hasn't made any comment about this yet.
$1 billion worth of hamburgers
The Whataburger hamburgers only cost a quarter when it was first began. The burgers were built with five-inch buns and all-American beef. The founder of Whataburger was Harmon Dobson. He hoped that "What a hamburger!" would be exclaimed by his customers. More than $1 billion in meals has been sold by Whataburger in 60 years. The twelve days of Whataburger marketing is expected to result in hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of totally free Whataburger items being given away. The chain will also benefit, with customers having a reason to visit a Whataburger every other day. The likelihood the customers will order something to go with their totally free Whataburger item is very high, making twelve days of Whataburger a lucrative money-making promotion.
24-7 Press Release
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