Friday, August 7, 2009

How and Why Do Rumors Like 'Steven Tyler's Dead' Get Started?

Steven Tyler dead from a little tumble? No.

Aerosmith frontman dead from a scratch and some bruises? No. He's a live and well.

Aerosmith frontman dead from a scratch and some bruises? No. He's a live and well.

The world was aghast yesterday when Steven Tyler fell off the stage while performing at a motorcycle rally. But word got out quickly that his injuries were minor, and he was fine.

However, Steven Tyler did go to the hospital, and pretty soon the “Steven Tyler’s dead!” rumor started to fly. It seems any time a celebrity is admitted to the hospital, somebody out there decides that person is dead. The  more famous the person is, the more likely there will be rampant rumors of death.

Who first said “Steven Tyler’s dead”?

So, I know that this happens. I remember rumors recently that Jeff Goldblum died and lots of other instances of fake celebrity deaths being widely reported. So I understand that this happens, I just don’t understand why.

What’s the motivation for spreading “Steven Tyler’s dead” rumors? Most things can usually be traced back to money. Is there someone out there saying, “Hey, I’ll give you a cash advance if you spread a rumor that Steven Tyler is dead”? Somehow I don’t think so.

Making waves in the media

I know that magazines and newspapers and online publications make money if they break a big story. However, that usually only works if the story is true or if somehow one publication can maintain control of the story. Sure, the National Enquirer prints false stories on a regular basis, but people buy the magazine because it’s the only one reporting on the Bat Child or that Patrick Swayze is a woman. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "How and Why Do Rumors Like 'Steven Tyler's Dead' Get Started?"

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