Tuesday, July 7, 2009

UPDATE: Sahel Kazemi Images Follow Tragic Shootings

Lovers’ quarrel turned deadly?

The tragic saga of death for Steve McNair and Sahel Kazemi appears to come down to this, if Google Trends is an accurate representation of what the public wants to know:

  1. Steve McNair wife photo
  2. Sahel Kazemi images

In other words, who’s hotter: the wife or the nubile young waitress? Real friends and family of both - as well as fans of the ex-NFL quarterback - are too busy with their grief to care. Now, as more information comes out about what happened, I begin to wonder whether Kazemi used her tip money to buy the gun, or whether she needed a payday loan or cash advance to seal the deal?

She bought the gun two days before the shooting

Tennessee police have informed relatives that Steve McNair’s 20-year-old girlfriend purchased the gun just two days before both were found dead in the condo leased by the former Titans star. Furthermore, the police claim they are “almost sure” that Kazemi was the shooter, to the disbelief of the Iranian girl’s family.

According to reports that Kazemi’s family has backed up, Sahel was under some kind of assumption that Steve McNair was preparing to divorce his wife Mechelle and marry her. Sahel was in the process of selling her furniture before the big move-in date. Nashville courts have no record of a NcNair divorce case, but the 14,000-square-foot family home is on the market for $3 million. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "UPDATE: Sahel Kazemi Images Follow Tragic Shootings"

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