The world’s oldest mother
Once a woman approaches 40 years of age, conventional medical wisdom states that if she wants to conceive children, the risk of said children having birth defects increases dramatically. Thus, conventional family planning strategy would dictate getting an earlier start on giving birth. Cash advance and cheap loans can help with only a tiny portion of the hospital bills an extended stay in ICU for malformed infants can rack up.
It’s a potential tragedy most would avoid
But Maria del Carmen Bousada was not like most women. At 66 years and change, the Spaniard became the oldest verified mother in documented history. I say documented history because Omkari Panwar of India claimed to be 70 years old when she had twin boys and a girl just this month; she had no birth certificate to verify her claim.
She vowed that she would see her two infant sons live into adulthood, yet she already knew that she had a tumor that could be like threatening, according to the Spanish newspaper Diario de Cadiz.
Her twin sons are orphaned
Cancer has taken the life of Maria del Carmen Bousada at 69 years of age. According to the London Times, she died in a hospital near Cadiz. Think of it; her children are so young that they are unlikely to have many lasting memories of their birth mother. Bousada’s family, who will now take care of the twins, will have to provide the children with a strong emotional base if they are to avoid any future identity crisis. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Maria del Carmen Bousada Dies | Her Babies Deserved Better "
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