Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Vermont Says NO to Selective Service With Driver's License

Thinking about Selective Service registration

If you are an American male, many of you have probably registered with Selective Service. While the ongoing wars the country is responsible for in the Middle East will continue to be difficult, President Obama has presented a timetable for withdrawal. Thus, it may be that it will not be necessary for the United States to institute a military draft.

Wait a minute. Military draft? Necessary? Is this illegitimate authority truly what the American people have signed up for? Are you prepared for the possibility, should it arise? War hawk politicians begrudge us military loans and other forms of short term nonbank loans, but they are happy to fight an endless war with other people’s children.

Vermont is one state that won’t stand for that. Daniel Barlow of the Vermont Press Bureau reports in the Rutland Herald that the state’s house lawmakers have rejected “a controversial amendment to a major transportation bill requiring all young men to register for the draft when they receive their driver’s license.” Johnny (and why not Jill?), get your Selective Service number.

A brief history of Selective Service

There have been three landmark Selective Service acts in American history. The first - the Selective Service Act of 1917 - was conceived by President Woodrow Wilson during the opening weeks of America’s involvement in World War I. The bill passed despite opposition, and it brought about the use of a military draft. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Vermont Says NO to Selective Service With Driver's License"

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