Thursday, May 7, 2009

Payday Loans Are a Viable Option as Industry Giants Falter

Payday Loans

Yahoo! + microformatsConsumers are looking to payday loans as funding options to get through the volatile economy. Lenders are wary of extending credit, thus closing the doors on people who normally would have looked to them for relief. Payday loans have different lending structures and timelines, so they can be more reasonable options for people in immediate need. Normally with a payday loan, the applicant needs to be at least 18 years old, have a job and an active bank account. With these three requirements, he or she can apply for a payday loan and if qualified, find the funds they need. Working mother Amber Granier of Millbrook, Pennsylvania stated, "Payday loans are becoming a great resource for me. I'm a single mother and sometimes bills pile up, or I have a sudden unplanned-for expense. Payday loans have helped me out numerous times in the past, and I'm counting on them to help me in the future."

Online giant cutting jobs

Yahoo will be laying off between 600-700 workers at the end of Q1. To insiders, this did not come as a shock. Analysts stated that the internet giant would suffer during the beginning of 2009 and most likely employees would be the ones on the chopping block. For the third time in the past year, the company has looked to lay-offs as a way to save money. In February of last year 1,000 people were let go and another 1,500 later in the year. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Payday Loans Are a Viable Option as Industry Giants Falter"

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