Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Repair Your Credit | Unlock the Index (Pt. 2)

What Quantcast’s index means

You’re back and you want to “Repair Your Credit.” CLICK HERE if you missed the beginning of this article. Read on and learn what index numbers mean to the demographics of PersonalMoneyStore.com and cash advance portals like it.

This index changes things a bit. Quantcast’s analysis of traffic to PersonalMoneyStore.com shows that the Web site is more likely than average to draw male consumer traffic, while female traffic is close to an expected average, only a tic below. It could be argued that this is consistent with the popular belief that women tend to think more about having something set aside for emergencies, while the average man tends to live more in the moment, dealing with problems as they happen.

Admittedly, few studies actually support this notion; it’s mostly an anecdotal notion. However, a recent University of Virginia study regarding male and female use of the Internet did show that women are more likely than men to state their reasons for not using the Internet. The reason given most often by women and men is that they “don’t need it” (58 percent of women, compared with 45 percent of polled men) or “don’t want it” (58 vs. 43 percent). Perhaps the offers something in the way of explanation as to the difference is user numbers for PersonalMoneyStore.com.

Their age

... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Repair Your Credit | Unlock the Index (Pt. 2)"

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