Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Repair Your Credit | Payday Loan Truth vs. Fiction (Pt. 1)

Facts and Fallacies of Payday Loans

Last time, we took a look at some of the advantages online payday loans have when you’re on the road to “Repair Your Credit.” Now let’s examine some of the truth and fiction that’s out there about the industry, so that you have more information to use when making decisions about how you’ll manage your short-term finances to rebuild and maximize your credit rating.

Currently, there are more than 11 states that have passed laws which have banned payday loan businesses from operating. The reason for this is largely based upon the fact that banks and credit unions take a rather monopolistic view of free competition.

In this case, payday lenders presented competition in the short-term consumer lending market, so banks managed to convince politicians through campaign contributions (and the promise of more to come) that they should regulate these cash advance lenders out of business. Numerous other states have capped or are considering putting caps on interest rates. Some of this is necessary to ensure that consumers are protected from those lenders who buck industry regulation and charge excessive rates, but for the most part, this damages the ability of honest lenders to operate. That in turn costs people their jobs. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Repair Your Cre dit | Payday Loan Truth vs. Fiction (Pt. 1)"

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