Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Make Google Voice Calls via T-Mobile MyFaves - FREE

Making free calls with your T-Mobile phone?

We all need to save money these days. Instant payday loans and credit cards are there in a pinch, but relying upon them regularly can be a financial no-no. If you have a T-Mobile cell phone, however, there may just be another way that you can save money each month.

This tip comes from the Mind/Averse blog. Set up your myFaves with Google Voice and enter in your own number as one of your favorites. Why? Once you do, you can receive and make calls to that number with no charge. According to Mind/Averse, you’ll never use your own minutes and you’ll have more than one way to complete a call in your arsenal. Furthermore, use sites like FreeConferenceCall.com and set the conference number it assigns to your favorites. The numbers are generally from the 605 area code. You can also connect to the number with Google Voice.

Here are the steps

For those of you who are unfamiliar with using the Google Voice service to make calls, Mind/Averse even walks you through it. Take a gander at these steps; it’s quite simple if you have any experience using Google services and Web-enabled cell phones:

  1. Dial a number. When you dial your Google Voice number from a phone on your Voice account, you either listen to voice mail or press 2 to dial a call. Press 2, by all means! You can then dial a number and while you’re on the line, Google Voice will connect the call with unlimited talk time at your disposal! Just in case you are obsessive about checking and rechecking your caller ID, remember that your receiver will see the incoming as having come from your Google Voice number.
  2. Use the Web. Remember, your Google Voice contacts are the same as the ones that you have set up in your Gmail account. If you sync your phone’s contacts with your Google Contacts, integration is seamless. Your friends’ phone numbers will pop up in the Google Voice dashboard. All you have to do is click in order to call them. Again, you are called by your Google Voice number, then your friend is connected and the talking can commence! Since the call was from your Voice number, there is absolutely no charge.
  3. Use the mobile interface: This is very much like the Web interface option. Simply select a contact from your list of friends and Google Voice will connect your call by dialing your number, then connecting the friend.
  4. Coming to iPhone Soon: An application called GV Mobile for the iPhone will eventually appear in the Apple’s App Store. This will directly interface with your iPhone contacts the same way Google Voice uses your Gmail contact information.

Get while the getting is good

According to Mind/Averse, it’s uncertain how long you’ll be able to do this with your T-Mobile phone. In my opinion, it seems questionable that any of this could be done over something other than a Wi-Fi connection (like 3G), but I’m no expert. In a recession like this, take advantage of gifts like this while you can! ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Make Google Voice Calls via T-Mobile MyFaves - FREE"

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