Water: humanity’s lifeblood
Lauren Morello reports for ClimateWire that when it comes to fresh water on Earth, we shouldn’t assume that we can leave the tap on and it will continue to appear. We must respect its presence and use it sparingly. You wouldn’t flush payday loan money down the toilet; don’t waste water.
Water as a precious and finite resource is what has brought government ministers from more than 120 countries to Istanbul, Turkey for the fifth annual World Water Forum. Sanitation, recreation, agriculture and all water’s other uses will be part of the international discussion.
“We are responsible”
Water managers, writes Morello, have depended upon streamflow, rainfall and snowpack to help ensure sufficient water levels. But global climate has impacted old patterns, causing the water cycle to manifest in extreme ways such as extreme drought and excessive floods.
“We are responsible,” Loïc Fauchon, president of the World Water Council. “Responsible for the aggressions perpetrated against water, responsible for the current climate changes which come on top of the global changes, responsible for the tensions which reduce the availability of fresh water masses so indispensable to the survival of humanity.” ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "World Water Forum | Water Conservation is Vital"
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