Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Knauf Drywall Dangerous to Your Health

Sulfur, other substances corroding metals

Let’s face it. If you’re fortunate enough to have purchased a new home or recently remodeled, life is good. It’s exciting to live in a fresh residence, filled with potential and the space for all-new dreams. Bigger mortgage payments may create the need for personal loans at times, but the joy of having a new home doesn’t fade. However, it would be a shame if toxic gases ruined your fun.

But that may be exactly what Knauf Drywall’s products are doing to new (and not so new) homeowners. Elisabeth Leamy and Susan Rucci report for ABC News (shocker; mainstream news late to the party!) that the Consumer Product Safety Commission is investigating whether drywall made in China may be emitting toxic gases.

Welcome to your new gas trap!

The building boom in the years before the American housing bubble burst brought naturally upped the demand for materials, but cataclysmic events like Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma created shortages. As a cheap alternative, some builders began buying up Chinese drywall. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Knauf Drywall Dangerous to Your Health"

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